
Scott White — The Life is Too Short Guy

Bill Gallagher

Who doesn’t want to know the secrets of how to be happier? In business and life, everyone is faced with opportunities to find and enjoy greater happiness every single day. But where and how can you start?


Scott White is the happiest guy you will ever meet. After spending fifteen years on Wall Street, he took a chance and became an entrepreneur and business builder. Today he is Chairman and CEO of a public real estate company. Scott is on a mission to make the world happier, one smile at a time. With his endless energy, he motivates and inspires everyone he meets to focus on happiness, gratefulness, and positivity.


As a ten-year-old child, Scott was faced with the morbid facts of life and decided then that he was going to take chances, smile, and make the most of every day he was given. For Bill, the moments he gets to spend with his newborn granddaughter are among the happiest of his life.


Scott’s book is filled with ten principles that encourage readers to make deliberate choices that will lead to greater happiness. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to happiness, but there is a guaranteed way that you can make each minute matter more.


Even on the days when you’re feeling sad, you can strive to make today the best day ever. Happiness is not an absolute scale, it’s a relative scale. If you’re faced with a day that would rank as a 1 on your happiness scale, what can you do to make it a 1.5? As Scott says, life is too short to let a single day pass by without finding the happiness in it.


Minutes matter, the people around you matter, and taking chances and not putting life off matters. Because happiness someday really never comes — all you get to work with is today.


Interview Links:

Life Is Too Short Guy

The Life Is Too Short Guy: Strategies to Make Every Day the Best Day Ever



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Scaling Up is the best-selling book by Verne Harnish and our team for Scaling Up Coaches (formerly Gazelles). We share how the fastest-growing companies succeed where so many others fail.


Bill Gallagher, Scaling Coach and host of the show, is an international business coach who works with C-Suite leaders to achieve breakthrough growth.


We help leadership teams with the biggest decisions around People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash so that they can Scale Up successfully and beat the odds of business growth. Scaling Up is based on Verne’s original best-selling business book, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits.


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